Mobile-first design couldn't be any easier than with Tailwind CSS. 😌

#buildinpublic #mobilefirst #uiux #tailwind

Step 2: Wireframes

This is the 3rd iteration of our #mobilefirst decentralized identity wallet. We go into more detail and refine the #uidesign with each iteration.

Wireframes help to focus on the most critical interactions and arrange elements on the screen.

Step 1: Sketching

Sketching is the fastest and cheapest way to iterate with ideas.

Before we get to the prototype, we will already have at least 3 iterations of the #mobilefirst app #uidesign.

The simple form allows focus on the minimal set of features.
Today's progress was around adding #lineawesome as the icon library and getting more familiar with #tailwind and #mobilefirst approach.

What is your minimum screen size you design for these days? #buildinpublic #webdesign #mobilefirst
Come hang tonight at 10pm EST with me and some fellow #MobileFirst founders who #buildinpublic! Not on CH? Retweet this and send me a DM for an invite!