Day 6🍀 #100DaysOfCode
✅ Learnt how to deploy a smart contract on a test network
✅ how to import contracts from other contracts
✅ how to store and read values in smart contracts


#LearnInPublic #BuildInPublic
#Ethereum #Metamask
New members of the creed.

We are all made of glass.

#AI #blackai #Metamask #buildinpublic
¡Aún queda #CONCURSO!
1,2,3,4...¿Cuántos pisos tiene esta torre que está en nuestra ciudad? 🤔
Comenta tu respuesta y participa por 250 $AZOM que irán directo a tu wallet 😀
#BuildInPublic #Azomland #partyverso #Metamask
My repo for the @_buildspace project is now public. It is a cool #dapp that makes use of #MetaMask and @solidity_lang . Check out the repo and #Buildspace to learn about such projects and #buildinpublic…
Contributing to an open source project this morning. Gotta love a good dark mode option within a #Web3 project! 👍

What are you working on?

#OpenSource #DEVCommunity #darkmode #javascript #metamask #reactjs #nextjs #tailwindcss #buildinpublic #contributor
Made a Web3 project:

Twitter-style service where you use your ETH wallet to log in. And every "tweet" is signed with your personal key to ensure authenticity.

Gas-free, "tweets" are off-chain. What do you think?
#buildinpublic #web3 #ethereum #Metamask