Big news! 🎉 is officially live. A #logistics community build around supplier relationship management.

Connecting Shipper and Supplier!

#buildinpublic #Transportation
Added a new option to include remark and some references.

Maybe in Logistics the Modality is important? Guess so!

Added that too:

#buildinpublic #logistics
Pocpod is the perfect app for vehicle delivery and recovery operators.

Try now for free -

#Automotive #recovery #driver #vehicle #courier #transport #logistics
How cool is the profile page with form validation?

Just saying, it only took me 3 days to get form validation to work.

I'm still not a wizard..

#buildinpublic #logistics
Alright, progress today:
- Added fetching of single shipments
- CRUD of shipments
- Sortable columns in table
- Tooltips and look and feel

#buildinpublic #logistics
NextJS 13 is cool. I just need to figure out form submission --

Then we can launch the landing pages for both suppliers and shippers!

#logistics #buildinpublic
@davidnburgess Something tells me this is an opportunity for the right person. Anyone out there has some good ideas on how to fix this logistics problem?

#NoCode #buildinpublic #startups #shipping #logistics