
The big wave of #lightning enabled apps and services is coming and we are excited to be building that future within this incredible #bitcoin community.

#taro #legendsoflightning
We've been busy at @TRUBIT_TECH rolling out private brand pilots but we've also been building the next phase of our consumer-facing app for the @boltfun_btc #legendsoflightning hackathon.

A 🧵on our efforts to ensure the masses can get a non-custodial lightning wallet in 1 tap.
Are you working on a #bitcoin product? If so, you can use our Stories ✍️ feature to:

- #Launch it to the community 🚀
- #Buildinpublic with regular #activity updates🚦

Want to try it out? Connect your #lightning wallet to get started ⚡️
Have you tried creating a #lightning node using @voltage_cloud ? If so, we want to hear about your experience! 🌩

Great to see some makers taking advantage of this service 👇…

We want you to #buildinpublic 👊

Got an awesome side project? Share your journey with the #maker community, and provide others with valuable insights and learnings as you jump into the world of #bitcoin & #lightning application design + development⚡️
Upvotes 🔥 are a fun, #lightning powered interaction that use #WebLN to tip content creators with sats ⚡️, helping curate useful stories whilst incentivising makers to #buildinpublic with regular, open, and transparent updates on their lightning projects 🚀
Using a basic markdown editor, makers can create content in the form of articles, product updates, developer tutorials, app reviews, + more.

With an incentive to #buildinpublic and produce high quality content through community rewarded #lightning upvotes 🔥
This #buildinpublic approach aligns with #Bitcoin’s open-source philosophy, but also allows makers to publish key findings, #resources, and #tools with the rest of the community - creating a collaborative environment that makes learning about #lightning fun and easy 🚀
🚨 Introducing Stories ✍️

Makers can now #buildinpublic - sharing their stories, updates, and insights as they journey into the world of #bitcoin and #lightning product design and development.

Read a complete overview of this feature here 👇…