After completing school tests I'm thrilled to dive back into @mileStone_HQ!
Let's fix some bugs, bring back goal notifications and more! ✨
Be ready for the new beta, coming in a few minutes: 🚀#BuildInPublic #IndieDevs #LifeGoals
Maximize your life journey. Track and achieve your goals using life calendar and goal tracking system. Start living your best life today!



#LifeGoals #LifeProgress #IndieApp #Milestones
🎉 Just implemented a #confetti feature in my app! When users accomplish a life goal, they'll be greeted with a burst of colorful confetti! 🥳 Who doesn't love a little celebration for their achievements?

#buildinpublic #SwiftUI #iOSDev #LifeGoals
Ended up the day with implementing edit feature for life goals 🚀Users can now smoothly modify existing goals 🙌 Tomorrow I will start implementing integration with iCloud 📲☁️

#buildinpublic #iOSDev #indieDev #LifeGoals #SwiftUI
I have done some minor improvements ⬇️
✨ New animations when changing filters
👉 Swipe actions to complete/uncomplete
🎨 Sleek UI improvements & max line limits

Next task? 🔜 Allow user to edit the life goal 🙌

#LifeGoals #iOSDev #SwiftUI #buildinpublic…
Continuing the development of a life goals feature:
✅ Implement CoreData
✅ Add swipe to delete
❌ Implement publisher for Entity (Found another way to do this 😁)
🚧 Add CloudKit support
🚧 Create different UI when goal is completed

#iOSDev #buildinpublic #SwiftUI
"Focus on being productive instead of busy."
-Tim Ferriss
#buildinpublic #lifegoals #productive
Let's set it in stone: 4 April I will be launching No-Code Guru on Product Hunt.

PH is my favourite website of all time, so I'm 💯% excited.

Subscribe here to support me on launch day ♥️…

#buildinpublic #100DaysOfNoCode #LifeGoals #nocode