🤩Completed Senior track with @LearnWeb3DAO

Learned lot of interesting concepts in #web3

Senior track Completed: 15/15 🏁🏁

#Web3Community #LearnWeb3 #BuildinPublic
Feels good to be accepted into @EarnWeb3DAO's beta test.

Thank you @LearnWeb3DAO! 🎉

Looking forward to it! 😎

#Web3 #Blockchain #Web3Community #LearnWeb3 #BuildinPublic
🤩Completed #DecentralizedExchange project with

Adding liquidity, formula for maintaining the ratio, linking token etc. learnt a lot in #web3🧑‍🎓

Sophomore track Completed: 13/13 🏁🏁

#Web3Community #LearnWeb3 #BuildinPublic
🥳Got #ICO project completed
with @LearnWeb3DAO

Getting more into #web3🧑‍🎓

Sophomore track: 10/13 🏁

#web3community #learnweb3 #buildinpublic
Day 22-23 | #100DaysOfWeb3 | #100DaysOfCode

🌟#Buidl a Decentralized Exchange #DEX with @LearnWeb3DAO 🌟

And finally graduated from the Sophomore track ✨🎉🥳

Long way to go🚀

#Web3Community #LearnWeb3 #Web3 #LFG #WAGMI #BuildinPublic #Blockchain #Solidity #NFT #ICO #DAO
🤩Completed #DAO track with

Exploring and learning more #web3🧑‍🎓

Sophomore track: 11/13 ✅

#Web3Community #LearnWeb3 #BuildinPublic
Day 6 | #100DaysOfWeb3 | #100DaysOfCode

✅Created my first cryptocurrency token #MYTIME on Rinkeby Testnet for MyTimeBank🎯

Long way to go⚡

#Web3 #Web3Community #LearnWeb3 #BuildinPublic

@LearnWeb3DAO with @FrancescoCiull4
Created an #smartcontract for To-do App using #Solidity and deployed to Ropsten test net using hardhat and alchemy .

Repo Link :…

Your suggestions are welcome 🙂

#buildinpublic #learnweb3