What will you measure and track to prove impact of your product and iterate or increase successes over time when starting a side project? #buildinpublic #kpis #goals
What will you measure and track to prove impact of your product and iterate or increase successes over time when starting a side project? #buildinpublic #kpis #goals
What will you measure and track to prove impact of your product and iterate or increase successes over time when starting a side project? #buildinpublic #kpis #goals
πŸ”πŸ‘€ Diving deep into #OKRs and #KPIs for my #LeanStartup to improve focus and measure success πŸ“ŠπŸ† Ready to set ambitious goals and track progress like a pro πŸš€ #startupgrowth #metricsmatter #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #indiehackers #buildinpublic
πŸŽ―πŸ“ˆ Kick-start your #LeanStartup journey by setting clear #OKRs and #KPIs! These metrics will help you measure progress and stay focused on your goals. πŸ’― #Entrepreneurship #StartUpLife #indiehackers #buildinpublic
What will you measure and track to prove impact of your product and iterate or increase successes over time when starting a side project? #buildinpublic #kpis #goals
What will you measure and track to prove impact of your product and iterate or increase successes over time when starting a side project? #buildinpublic #kpis #goals
What will you measure and track to prove impact of your product and iterate or increase successes over time when starting a side project? #buildinpublic #kpis #goals
Milestone ALERT⚠️

1,013 users signed in to Owinna last week. πŸ“ˆ

Malawi's online #football community keeps growing on ⚽
#KPIs #openReport #buildInPublic
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#startups #buildinpublic #kpis
Milestone ALERT⚠️

873 users signed in to last week. πŸ“ˆ

#Malawi's online #football
community keeps growing on #Owinna. ⚽
#KPIs #openReport #buildInPublic