✅ Uploaded a demo video on Youtube

JustCryptoBar - How to track crypto on your macOS via @YouTube

💡The best working way for me to keep doing for my project and to do not procrastinate:
1. Wake up at 7:20 am
2. Done with at least 1 task from my backlog till 10am
3. Done with at least 1 task from 6pm till 8pm

✅ Make new Screenshorts for Apple Store (focus on the app, not at the screen). Add description of the features on the screens. Use BTC and ETH for screens.

Landing page:

Got a feedback from my friend @AndreyAzimov about the app. Preparing the new TODO while the app on review

✅Make finance format of prices for crypto currencies


#buildinpublic #justcryptobar
✅ Make a finance format of prices for crypto currencies #justcryptobar #buildinpublic
✅ Got a feedback from my friend @AndreyAzimov about the app, so preparing the new TODO while the app on review

#buildinpublic #justcryptobar