#buildinpublic #nocode #infoproduct

No-code stack for my first info product:

I'm building it with this philosophy in mind:

Who hasn't a list of resources in their area of expertise?

Everyone has at least $1,000 of side income just sitting on their Google Drive.
4000 words, 30 pages written so far. Launches next week at $7.99

By a show of hands, Let me see who wants to benefit from this.

Spread the news, 🥳I finished my #infoproduct 👩🏻‍💻 It is coming soon
🥁🥁🥁playing drums 🥁🥁🥁
“A checklist for new-dad-to-be’s”

Any expectant or newbie dads around?

#tweet100 #buildinpublic #notiontwt
Day11 my #infoproduct
"Bite-sized tips for new parents"
Did you know any kid of fever is abnormal and requires evaluation in newborns? #buildinpublic #newbieparent #tweetrician #notiontwt #tweet100
Day10of my #infoproduct
"Bite-sized tips for new parents"
Did you know healthy newborns lose weight during the first days of life? A healthy newborn is expected to lose nearly 10% of the birth weight in the first-week #buildinpublic #newbieparent #tweetrician #notiontwt #tweet100
Day9of my #infoproduct "Bit-sized tips for new parents" Today I worked on a checklist for newbie dads, Any ideas to contribute ? #buildinpublic #newbiedad #tweetrician #notiontwt #tweet100
Day8 of my #infoproduct "Bit-sized tips for new parents"
Did you know crying last the only way a newborn babies can express themselves? Not every cry results from hunger or discomfort. Sometimes they just cry to communicate 🥲 #buildinpublic #tweetrician #notiontwt #tweet100
Day6 of my #buildinpublic journey of my verry first #infoproduct 🚀 Well, feeling quite sick today🤧(Turkish: girişimci ruhum zeval gördü) and looking forward for feel better. Watched a couple episodes of #babies series on netflix, pretty amazing🧡🙌 #tweet100
Hey, I am a pediatrician, I just started to build an #infoproduct for new parents on @notion. 101 Bite-sized tips for newbie moms and newbie dads. I think it is cool to have user-friendly health information. What do you think?

#notion #buildinpublic @buildinpublic #newborns