
Sometimes I get down on myself b/c I'm not perfect.

I've been trying to be consistent in building my audience but I love hyperfocus. I love focusing on one thing till it's done.

That leads me to not tweet as much as I'd like to but I'm working on it. #honesty

You know it's easy to think that everyone works everyday all day but it can't be true. I went out last night and I'm hung over.

I'm resting. At 5 or 6 I'll probably put in some effort but now I'm not.

It's important to know that people do rest.

If you plant honesty, you will reap trust. Build your company's brand with honesty to earn people's trust.

#brand #honesty #trust #startup #buildinpublic #aobadairo
Anyone knows a good read with some ideas on what and how to get companies registered on my SaaS?

I always feel this is where I am less prepared. I have like a plan but would like to make sure I have the right one.
