Use version control platforms like GitHub or GitLab to collaborate with other developers and contribute to open-source projects. This improves your coding skills and visibility in the community. 🀝 #opensource #GitHub #GitLab #100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic
Twice now I've spent an entire day researching/implementing (recently #GitLab CI/CD) only to finally realize I don't need it at all

Still progress, but πŸ˜‘

Is CI/CD overkill for a solopreneur? And is #Heroku that much easier than AWS?

#indiehackers #buildinpublic #SaaS
gitlapp is now listed as a product on @IndieHackers (! πŸš€ Make sure to leave a follow there for more updates on the development process of gitlapp. πŸ“’

#GitLab #DevOps #BuildInPublic
Want to be less overwhelmed by your work as a software engineer? πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Looking for a native iOS client for @gitlab? 🦊 Head over to and subscribe to get notified when gitlappβ€˜s beta launches! πŸš€

#GitLab #DevOps #BuildInPublic
Finishing up #GitLab login on and decided that using OIDC is not worth it if you need the "api" scope anyways. Way simpler to just GET /user for all the same info.

#buildinginpublic #buildinpublic #codereview
We added a new shipping workflow in @NotionHQ hope we can faster ship new product features! We not only use #Notion but also #GitLab and #Jira #buildinpublic
Something that worked well for landing pages is @gitlab pages. Gitlab has a lot of template projects that are ready to go (yes) and if you have a static-ish website - don’t spend money on hosting until you really need it #buildinpublic #gitlab #tips