#100DaysOfCode Day 33/100 continued...
taking #fullstackopen MERN stack to make a simple project management app.
Practicing make it work, make it right, make it fast.
Loving the cool #GraphQL
#FullStackDeveloper #programming #ReactJS #javascript #Nodejs #buildinpublic #MongoDB…
#100DaysOfCode] Day 33/100
#fullstackopen Refactoring and revising Part 4 while playing with Part 5 again. testing and testing.
github repo pushed…

#FullStackDeveloper #programming #ReactJS #javascript #Nodejs #buildinpublic #MongoDB
#100DaysOfCode Day 33/100 continued...
taking #fullstackopen MERN stack to make a simple project management app.
Practicing make it work, make it fast, make it right. Loving the cool #GraphQL
#FullStackDeveloper #programming #ReactJS #javascript #Nodejs #buildinpublic #MongoDB…
#100DaysOfCode] Day 33/100
#fullstackopen Refactoring and revising Part 4 while playing with Part 5 again. testing and testing.
github repo pushed…

#FullStackDeveloper #programming #ReactJS #javascript #Nodejs #buildinpublic #MongoDB
[#100DaysOfCode] My Plan ...

Almost missed out on tweeting on Day 1 so here I start off with My Plan for this.

1. Hands-on course: #fullstackopen at
@helsinkiuni to completion before #100daysofcode is up
2. Build a personal portfolio web app from what I learn and more
#100DaysOfCode] Day 33/100
#fullstackopen Refactoring and revising Part 4 while playing with Part 5 again. testing and testing.
github repo pushed…

#FullStackDeveloper #programming #ReactJS #javascript #Nodejs #buildinpublic #MongoDB
#100DaysOfCode] Day 32/100
#fullstackopen Getting to Part 5 completion for more test from backend to frontend.
Testing back the application really hits home why succinct comments is important
#FullStackDeveloper #programming #ReactJS #javascript #Nodejs #buildinpublic #MongoDB
[#100DaysOfCode] Day 31/100
Part 4.15 of #fullstackopen unit & integration tests, user authentication & authorization.
Burned midnight oil. Who needs sleep. Almost done,more tests in part 5 😆
#FullStackDeveloper #programming #ReactJS #javascript #Nodejs #buildinpublic #MongoDB
[#100DaysOfCode] Day 32/100
Part 4.15 of #fullstackopen unit & integration tests, user authentication & authorization.
Burned midnight oil. Who needs sleep. Almost done,more tests in part 5 😆
#FullStackDeveloper #programming #ReactJS #javascript #Nodejs #buildinpublic #MongoDB
[#100DaysOfCode] Day 28/100
Part 4 of #fullstackopen unit & integration tests, user authentication & authorization.
About 4+ hours banging my head against testing. I get this is important

#FullStackDeveloper #programming #ReactJS #javascript #Nodejs #buildinpublic #MongoDB
[#100DaysOfCode] Day 27/100
Done part 3 of #fullstackopen deployed 'fullstack' to #heroku backend to #mongodb
next up unit & integration tests, user authentication & authorization

#FullStackDeveloper #programming #ReactJS #javascript #nodejs #buildinpublic
[#100DaysOfCode] Day 26/100
Part 3.19/3.21 #fullstackopen. Implemented backend saves to #mongodb, duplicate name trigger number update and so on.
Almost there 3 more function implement to full stack
#FullStackDeveloper #programming #ReactJS #javascript #nodejs #buildinpublic
[#100DaysOfCode] Day 25/100
Part 3.16 from #fullstackopen. Reread my codes, refactored and rewrite my own notes to recall.
Feels I'm getting better handle at this and onwards! Make it work make it right
#FullStackDeveloper #programming #ReactJS #javascript #nodejs #buildinpublic