What do you use for quick image edit?

Here is a free tool, with no ads, and no account. Just go to the link and use it

thanks to @rikschennink

#freetools #buildinpublic
Had to merge 2 CSV files based on some header keys yesterday. Couldn’t find a quick online tool.

Decided to wrap my solution in a quick interface and deploy it.

#buildinpublic #freetools
Someone asked us for free tools to run their business. Watch this video if you wanna get some free tools to run your business.
#free #freetools #sales #crm #buildinpublic
Two #buildinpublic projects completed
Going through a 'makers block'🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️

Looking for some inspiration for my next project.

Anyone got any tiny problems that could use a tiny solution? 🧐🧐🧐

#maker #makersBlock #freeTools #tinyProblems #Entrepreneur #startupideas