πŸš€ Exciting news! The latest feature on @getfluany lets you effortlessly generate personalized flashcards using AI. Just tell us what you want to study, and voila! Your study game just got a whole lot smarter. πŸ“šπŸ’‘ #AI #Flashcards #Education #buildinpublic #OpenAI
🚨 Been #BehindtheScene making CramCards the best it can be so a new update is currently live with another in review.

#buildinpublic #flashcards #studytwt #cramming #srs
2023.6 of CramCards is now submitted so should be out in the following days.

#buildinpublic #flashcards #studytwt #cramming #srs
🚨 Now Available🚨
This new update brings a new area and some fun features:
✨ Personal Dashboard
✨ Streaks
✨ Activity Grid

#buildinpublic #flashcards #studytwt #cramming #srs
Next update will be all about wrapping up the new Dashboard View, and If possible sneaking in reverse sessions.

#buildinpublic #flashcards #studytwt #cramming
Okay so the new Dashboard is going to need a bit more time to cook...but I am happy to report that 2023.4 is now Available πŸŽ‰

#buildinpublic #flashcards #studytwt #cramming
Preliminary designs for the new Dashboard and Session Stats are coming along for the next update.

#buildinpublic #flashcards #studytwt #cramming
Superspace is shaping up to become a beast! We have also added new sets of #flashcards. 🀩
Check them out on Zuperly now!πŸš€
#BuildInPublic #socialmediamarketing #buildinpublic #marketingdigital #progress #UPDATE #uidesign #UI #lifelonglearning #success #technology #production