✨ new update available for @GPCalendarApp:

πŸ› οΈ Bug fixes:

- auto hide past races
- the app was not fully visible if placed too far on the right of your menu bar like this πŸ‘‡

Download the new update from your Gumroad library (

#buildinpublic #mac #F1
πŸ₯³ A FIRST MILESTONE for @GPCalendarApp

500$ crossed!

Detailed stats in threadπŸ‘‡

#buildinpublic #F1
I made a new version of GP Calendar:

πŸ™ˆ Past races are now automatically hidden (most requested feature by users)

⏰ Fix wrong hours for #JapaneseGP

πŸ›  The app now correctly closes when clicking away

#F1 #buildinpublic
24h after GP Calendar launch:

πŸ‘€ 1k3+ views of landing page
πŸ₯³ 312 downloads (including free ones)
✨ 22% conversion
πŸ™Œ $94 in sales (people who truly wanted to pay for it!)

❀️ So many feedback and love from F1 fans

#buildinpublic #openstartup #F1
MVP done βœ…

App soon available ✨

Follow to not miss the launch πŸ‘€

After an incredible #BritishGP, next one is #AustriaGP #F1
Indiemaker Twitter would say it's too much features before shipping MVPπŸ˜…

Can't resolve myself to reduce more πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

#buildinpublic #F1