Only by compromising the design that you'd get up from your desk to eat lunch

#buildinpublic #mylomiapp #lomishoot #flirtai #ethiopia #dating #startup
We were able to discuss the fundamental issues we need to consider in the long run and also what makes our app different from others. We also talked on the mobile app design our co-founder Yonathan Bekele came up with.

#buildinpublic #mylomiapp #flirtai #lomishoot #ethiopia
I just implemented the Get Started Screen of the newly redesigned @mylomiapp

#buildinpublic #mylomiapp #lomishoot #flirtai #evertimket #ethiopia #dating
NB: This is a temporary logo.
April 13, 2023
#buildinpublic update on MyLomi

I just embedded FlirtAI on the app, and it seems good progress is being made. Here is a screenshot taken from iPhone 8 simulator

#lomishoot #flirtai #ai #ethiopia #diaspora #dating #evertimket #mylomiapp
April 13, 2023
#buildinpublic update on @mylomiapp

I just embeded FlirtAI on the app and it seems a good progress is made. Here is a screenshot taken from iPhone 8 simulator

#lomishoot #flirtai #ai #ethiopia #diaspora #dating #evertimket #mylomiapp
April 12, 2023
#buildinpublic update on @mylomiapp

I implemented the design for the Profile Tab and called it a commit

#lomishoot #evertimket #flirtai #iOS #ethiopia #diaspora
#buildinpublic update on @mylomiapp

Designed the Details View Controller
Set up the navigation between Home View Controller and Details View Controller
Fix Launch Screen with a temporary logo

#lomishoot #ethiopia #ethiopiadiaspora #iOS