#buildinpublic #indiehackers #個人開発 #emoji
Creating a Mac app using Generative AI to suggest emojis fitting to your text input! It's still in pre-release, but it's available on GitHub. Feel free to give it a try! 🚀
#buildinpublic #indiehackers #AI #Emoji
I noticed with surprise that nobody had developed an emoji selector with only Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS.

I have built a minimalist one if that helps anyone.


#emoji #tailwind #alpine #opensource #webdev #buildinpublic
Mooooar emojis for @favicoon 😄

I'm currently implementing ✨all✨ available emojis so you can choose whatever you need.

Which emoji would you use for a favicon? 🤔

#buildinpublic #emoji
Got a little sidetracked while building the Navbar element for my #nocode tool. I loved the idea of using #emoji as a logo so I built an emoji picker 😁.

Posting the available Navbar options soon 👀!

#buildinpublic #webdevelopment #100DaysOfCode #javascript #100DaysOfNoCode
progress, priority or urgency, use a few emojis to do it better with @tryneuman #nocode #lowcode #biztools #buildinpublic #emoji
Ok I'm getting closer to being done with this, still need to some things cleanup a bit...
#randomly #animating a #svg #emoji with #CSS #keyframes animations using some light #JS.
#buildinpublic #UI #web #design
I like the idea of #animating #SVGS with #CSS #keyframes using some light #JS.
Here's an update to an svg #emoji I'm animating on my #website, still def room for improvement but it's fun. #buildinpublic #UI #web #design