We're at #13 for the day with a little less than 3 hours to go!
#buildinpublic #emailgeeks #emailmarketing #ProductHunt

Would love your support! If you haven't already, please check us out on PH and let us know what you think!!…
It's official as a whistle! launches 7/8!!

Become a member during pre-launch, 7/1 - 7/7, and save 💸

#EmailMarketing #emailgeeks #buildinpublic
One of my business goals is to grow to where we can offer apprenticeships.

Provide folks an opportunity to learn the ins and outs of email while getting paid.

#buildinpublic #indiehackers #emailgeeks #emailmarketing #emaildevelopment
So, apparently, Bard is coming to Gmail, so my email assistant Chrome extension idea for Gmail (using ChatGPT) doesn't make a lot of sense.

But what about other webmails, such as outlook? Or even local webmails, like gmx or orange?

#buildinpublic #emailgeeks
I often use ChatGPT to formulate emails.

I wanna create an email assistant that does the very same I usually do, but right in my Gmail.

Quite replaceable so far, but what if it takes into account the whole email thread?

Do you think it could generate revenue?

Day 38 of my @Twitter audio #Voice100 challenge @Android style, it's a video.

Today's topic: #EmailMarketing and #100DaysOfNoCode

I've started my journey to #BuildInPublic an Email Marketing ebook.


Site Link 👇🏻