This week I have built absolutely nothing. However, I'm 640 words into a 3000 word proposal... and it actually makes sense! #buildinpublic #edu #problemsolving 🧠
Yes! I am not in school But I can use SchoolKart to donate #SchoolSupplies ! 📐🧮📘📓✂️🖌
Great idea and beautiful action.
What would you like to build today?
📱💻🚀#BackToSchool #Book #stem #NoCode #LowCode #WomenWhoCode #buildinpublic #edu #app #AppOfTheDay
📙 Heading back to school? Our #appoftheweek is Schoolkart! A marketplace app that connects users to trade school supplies. Not in school? You can also use this app to donate!…

#Thunkable #nocode #lowcode #backtoschool #edu #stem #books #buildinpublic
📙 Heading back to school? Our #appoftheweek is Schoolkart! A marketplace app that connects users to trade school supplies. Not in school? You can also use this app to donate!…

#Thunkable #nocode #lowcode #backtoschool #edu #stem #books #buildinpublic