Ever been curious about Drupal Distributions? Here's a new article exploring Drupal Distributions with Open Social & Crypto as case studies. What are your go-to Drupal distributions?… #Drupal #webdev #opensource #buildinpublic #crypto #OpenSocial
Ever been curious about Drupal Distributions? Here's a new article exploring Drupal Distributions with Open Social & Crypto as case studies. What are your go-to Drupal distributions?… #Drupal #webdev #opensource #buildinpublic #crypto #OpenSocial
Initial support for Unions was done.

Thanks @Kingdutch for the tip on using addTypeResolver. Union name was done using ContentType+FieldName to avoid collisions but a generic naming could be done without much rework.

#Drupal #GraphQL v4 schema generation updates #BuildInPublic
Initial support for Date (formatters are still missing) and Link fields added to the schema.

The next goal is to work on Media and User schemas and also better detection for multiple fields and unions.

#Drupal #GraphQL v4 schema generation updates. #BuildInPublic
Most of my experience is with #php and #drupal

Drupal is a great website-builder-builder. Use it to build a specialized wix.

I chose #Laravel for PuffinPay because:
- Skills transfer
- Good for quick backend dev
- To become more well-rounded

I often see #SaaS #startups #buildinpublic by sharing revenue, but not much else.

I plan to actually build in public.

1. My career-changing #webdev #drupal #reactjs company @DebugAcademy
2. SaaS product for selling products effectively & ethically

Feel free to follow along!
Each student's gaps are different. This is where mass-produced courses can be weaker.

Filling in gaps via pull request reviews has been extremely effective.

As an example, I just left these comments on a student's assignment.

#learnToCode #buildInPublic #html #css #drupal
Word-of-mouth has historically worked well for us, until corona.

So we're improving our online marketing.

Check out what our team member
@LinzCDesigns designed:…

..After taking our class, she coded it too!

#buildInPublic #learnToCode #drupal #design
Let's see what our CAC is. #buildInPublic

We've been around, next semester will be our 17th. We teach #webdev using #Drupal.

95% of our students join by alumni referrals.

Trying paid ads. Here are the first two versions for LinkedIn.