With simple and enough documentation, paginated queries, and Entity Framework-like migrations, this library is powerful. I'm also using it with @WoodpeckerIO and so far I'm impressed. #mongodb #dotnetcore #buildinpublic
Anyone know how to convert a C# Identity scaffold page to a pop-up window? #AskingForAFriend #buildinpublic
#csharp #dotnetcore
`dotnet watch run --project Web/Web.csproj` to get the same developer flow with dotnet core that I get with Node.js.

#buildinpublic #dotnetcore
Probably overthinking this. 'Delight' even when it fails? Thoughts ? #buildinpublic #blazor #dotnetcore
Does anyone that works with @dotnet know why, in a .Net 5 Core MVC Project, when I try to scaffold identity I cannot select "Use SQLite instead of SQL Server"? #dotnetcore #dotnet5 #dotnet #buildinpublic
Been a while since we shared our #buildinpublic updates.

*Week 8 Updates*
Customers asked for real-time order alerts with a sound. Used #dotnetcore SignalR to build a solution. Now for every order, there will be an actionable notification without refreshing the page.