Day 24 : #100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal
💡 Explored the use of Datree to avoid Argo CD misconfigurations 🛠️

🤩 Tried out some cool new features in Figma for creating UI and translating them into code in Flutter 🧑‍💻
#DevOps #LearnInPublic #buildinpublic #figma
Day 23: #100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal
✅ Completed the workshop on chaos engineering by @kubesimplify using an open source tool, Litmus🧪
📈 Solved some hard difficulty questions on LeetCode on Strings
#buildinpublic #LearnInPublic #DSAWithKunal
Day 22 : #100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal 🚀
💡 Started with a workshop on Chaos engineering with Litmus
✅ Developed some UI pages for a flutter application
#LearnInPublic #buildinpublic #flutterdev
Day 21 : #100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal 🚀
✨ Learnt how to reduce and monitor📊cost of using Kubernetes with Kubecost, an open source cost management platform
✨ Practiced multiple DSA questions on LeetCode
#LearnInPublic #buildinpublic #DSAWithKunal
Day 18: #100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal
✅ Discovered how to run Argo CD in the cloud using the Civo Marketplace.
✅ Solved some DSA problems on stacks and queues on LeetCode
#buildinpublic #LearnInPublic #DSAWithKunal
Day 17: #100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal
💡 Used Kustomize, a native configuration management tool for updating the configuration w/o forking🛠️
💡 Started delving into the usage of Mux video for encoding and decoding videos using it's API📽️
#DevOps #LearnInPublic #buildinpublic
Day 16 : #100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal 🚀
🌟Explored the incredible capabilities of Portainer which enables faster delivery of software to more locations with less risk and greater control🛠️
🌟Solved some LeetCode questions
#DevOps #LearnInPublic #buildinpublic #DSAWithKunal
Day 15 : #100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal 🚀
✨ Got to learn how to secure Kubernetes clusters using Kubescape by @armosec
💡 Developed a deep learning model to estimate the wine score🍷 by reviewer based on the textual reply
#LearnInPublic #buildinpublic #kubernetes #Kubescape
Day 14 : #100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal🚀
✨ Started learning how scripts can be run pre or post commit using Git Hooks.
✨ Solved some exciting DSA questions in LeetCode.
#LearnInPublic #buildinpublic #kubernetes #DSAWithKunal
Day 13 : #100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal 🚀
✅ Learnt how to create YAML manifest templates in Monokle
✅ Started a course on GitOps with ArgoCD by @todaywasawesome @kubesimplify
#DevOps #LearnInPublic #buildinpublic
Day 12:#100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal🚀
✨Discovered how Datree's Helm plugin can be used to make checks for Helm charts
💡How to build and run custom rules for Datree to check for rule violations on a Kubernetes configuration⚙️
#DevOps #LearnInPublic #buildinpublic #kubernetes
Day 11 : #100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal 🚀
💡 Learnt how to use Lens🥽IDE for managing Kubernetes cluster,
✅ How Monokle can be used to easily manage and debug Kubernetes Manifests before deploying them to the cluster🧑‍💻
#DevOps #LearnInPublic #buildinpublic #kubernetes
Day 10: #100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal🚀
💡Explored how Datree can be used to prevent Kubernetes misconfigurations from reaching production
💡Attended AWSome Conference today and got to see how AWS can be used to build and scale applications
#DevOps #LearnInPublic #buildinpublic
Day 9: #100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal🚀
✅Completed an amazing course on Kubernetes configuration and security by @SaiyamPathak.
✅Solved some DSA questions on LeetCode.
#DevOps #LearnInPublic #buildinpublic #kubernetes
Day 8: #100DaysOfCode #DevOpswithkunal🚀
Just completed course on Kubernetes☸️
Excited to learn more and use its capabilities to scale, manage and deploy applications with ease.
If you're also on a coding journey, let's connect!🤝
#DevOps #LearnInPublic #buildinpublic #kubernetes
-> #OpenSource Contributions: Pushed my codes and Merged a #PR. Gave a intro to one of my two friends about #LearnInPublic, #BuildInPublic, #Communities.

#HappyLearning #LearningInPublic #BuildingInPublic
Consistency Is The Key. Trust The Process.
After a long time wrote an awesome article on my website on the topics:
Beginner Guide: How to Troubleshoot a network issue
Checkout form the below link:…
#networking #DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics
Completed few more topics in Aws CloudFormation. below topics I covered today.
1️⃣ Change SET
2️⃣ More use case of Intrinsic Function
3️⃣ Mapping and Parameters
4️⃣ Outputs from Stack…
#DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics
Done with the Morning Study Session. Started Aws CloudFormation. Learn few topics about that.
1️⃣ How to create Stack
2️⃣ Intrinsic function
3️⃣ Tried those code and push those in GitHub…
#DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics
Completed few more AWS topics today, feeling lazy a bit so did not cover lots of topics
1️⃣ EFS - Elastic File System
2️⃣ Auto Scaling Group
3️⃣ S3 - Simple Storage Service
#DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics
Started AWS Today in the Devops Journey. Completed the below topics:
1️⃣ EC2 - Elastic Cloud compute
2️⃣ EBS - Elastic Block Storage
3️⃣ EBS Snapshot
4️⃣ ELB - Elastic Load Balancer
5️⃣ CloudWatch
#DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics
Completed my morning study routine cover the below networking topics:
1️⃣ OSI Model
2️⃣ Network and IP Classification
3️⃣ Protocols and port
4️⃣ Important N/Wing command's
#DevOps #buildinpublic #DevOpswithkunal
Completed my morning studying session cover the below Bash Scripting topics:
1️⃣ Loops(For and While)
2️⃣ SSH Key exchange
3️⃣ Create a monitor script for httpd
4️⃣ Created Multi Node Website Deployment Script
#DevOps #buildinpublic #DevOpswithkunal
Morning study is the best, Still covering the Bash Scripting and cover below topics:
1️⃣ System Variables
2️⃣ Quotes
3️⃣ Command Substitution
4️⃣ Exporting Variables
5️⃣ If Else Statement
6️⃣ Elif Statement
#DevOps #buildinpublic #DevOpswithkunal
Learn bash scripting today learn below two concepts
1️⃣ Variables
2️⃣ Command line Arguments
Created few test scripts to learn more about that. You can also check the scripts from the below link:…
#DevOps #buildinpublic #DevOpswithkunal
Plan to study for every day but did not get time today to do that. Will try in night if I can
#DevOps #buildinpublic #DevOpswithkunal
Finally push my first code to GitHub. It tools me some time to understand but at last it work.
#buildinpublic #DevOps #DevOpswithkunal
Created this bash script using this I can Host a website easily with a single click. Will try to modify and simply this script for easy understanding
#DevOps #buildinpublic #DevOpswithkunal
Learning bash scripting and created my first script know not that great but good enough for a beginner like me
#buildinpublic #learning #DevOps #DevOpswithkunal
Setting up the below step-up using #vagrantup and Scripting. So cool to see.
#buildinpublic #DevOpswithkunal #DevOps
Today's Learning :
1. Practicing Recycler view by doing Instagram layout design
#AndroidDev #kotlin…
2. Learnt about Computer Networking
->introduction to protocols, server, client, IP Address->Port number by @kunalstwt
#DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic