2. Rather than using a dark color at full opacity, using lighter shades at descending levels of opacity makes the shadows look visually appealing

#graphicdesign #DesignHacks #webdesign #webdev #designer #graphics #buildinpublic #tips #css2021 #HTML5
The difference between good and great shadows is that the latter aren't reminiscent of borders

They're meant to ELEVATE the element in focus, adding a sense of DEPTH, rather than surround it like a border

#htmlcss #HTML5 #CSS #design #uiuxdesign #UI #shadow #csstips #designtips
2. Rather than using a dark color at full opacity, using lighter shades at descending levels of opacity makes the shadows look visually appealing

#graphicdesign #DesignHacks #webdesign #webdev #designer #graphics #buildinpublic #tips #css2021 #HTML5