ip geolocation use case

E-commerce: Automatically determine taxes and shipping while displaying prices in online stores

#DaaS #buildinpublic #saas #startup #indiehackers #founders #ecommercewebsite #EcommerceTips
ip geolocation use case

Geographic content licensing: Restrict audio or video content delivery to licensed geographic regions

#DaaS #buildinpublic #saas #startup #indiehackers #founders #ecommercewebsite #EcommerceTips
ip geolocation use case

Law enforcement: Fight botnets and cybercrime by tracking the location of IP addresses, and aid in detecting unauthorized logins

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ip geolocation use case

Online advertising: Personalize ads based on users’ location such as showing local deals

#DaaS #buildinpublic #saas #startup #indiehackers #founders #ecommercewebsite #EcommerceTips
ip geolocation use case

Credit card fraud protection: Use the location of users making online payment transactions as one of the inputs in their credit card fraud detection algorithms

#DaaS #buildinpublic #saas #startup #indiehackers #founders #ecommercewebsite
ip geolocation use case

Content Delivery Networks: Direct users to the closest datacenter to decrease latency and increase network throughput

#DaaS #buildinpublic #saas #startup #indiehackers #founders #ecommercewebsite #EcommerceTips
ip geolocation use case

Content Personalization :Personalize content based on the location of the user, for example for displaying local weather information or local news, or displaying content in the native language of the user

#DaaS #buildinpublic #saas #startup
Some ip geolocation providers offer you modules to

access additional data such as currency, time zones,

the type of connection (vpn, tor, etc ...), the amount

of taxes in the geographical location

#DaaS #buildinpublic #saas #startup #indiehackers #founders
You can access the ip geololcation by an api or by renting a database.

With the visitor's ip on your website you get
the user's geographic coordinates:

-The country, The region, The city

#DaaS #buildinpublic #saas #startup #indiehackers #founders #ecommercewebsite
What is the ip geolocation service?

An online service that determines the user's city-level location with their IP address. This information helps content personalization, fraud detection, rights management

#DaaS #buildinpublic #saas #startup #indiehackers #founders
how do internet giants like #amazon use ip geolocation to make you love their website?

I'll explain it to you in this thread.

#DaaS #buildinpublic #saas #startup #indiehackers #founders #ecommercewebsite #EcommerceTips
Why am I trying to sell directly?

I want to talk to my potential customers and hope to get some feedback/insights during the sales process.

It's a cheap way to validate an idea.

#buildinpublic #buildinginpublic #b2b #SaaS #DaaS #scraping #scrapeit
#buildinginpublic update:

1/ Finalized ICPs for e-commerce
2/ Wrote LinkedIn message templates
3/ Started outreach campaign on Linkedin

Looking forward to seeing the results!

#scrapeit #DaaS #SaaS