Next NoCode hangout is tomorrow! 1:15 - 2:45pm UK time. Virtual coworking container where we hangout and work quietly on our projects pomodoro style. DM me if you want to join! #buildinpublic #NoCode #coworkingspace
@nocodehangout - starts back next Friday and every Friday after! 1:15 - 2:45 UK time. Virtual coworking while we work on our nocode projects. Pop me a DM if you're building something and want to join! #buildinpublic #NoCode #coworkingspace
@COLABSPK love the way they're bringing the world closer together and putting back the human factor in work!🔥🚀

Coming to Islamabad soon! Stay Tuned!

#startup #tech #pakistan #coworking #space #coworkingspace #office #community #entrepreneur #communitybuilding #buildinpublic