@nathanbarry founded and led @ConvertKit , an email marketing platform, to an MRR of +U$D 2 Mi 100% via Bootstrapping.

And anyone on the internet can track Convert Kit's KPIs.

Build in Public at its core…


#buildinpublic #convertkit #startup #entrepreneurship #nocode #mvp
#NoCode #buildinpublic
#Carrd #ConvertKit #Revue #LandingPages
Compared ConvertKit and Revue for a curated newsletter, and I preferred Revue. Replicated the LP I liked so much with CK in Carrd. The integration failed and I got back to Revue. Lesson learned.Prioritize to publish
@raae is
live over on YouTube

Coding on a @ConvertKit thing for our #indiehacker menstrual journal @GatsbyJS app with encryption from @UserbaseHQ
#BuildInPublic #reactjs #convertkit