How much coffee do you drink on a normal day?

Today it was 3 big equals to 6 normal coffee for me.

#buildinpublic #CoffeeLover
Launched a landing page for CoffeeCulture ☕️

"It's like AirB'nB but for home baristas" - so original I know 😅

Order & offer local homemade coffees made with ❤️ - skip the busy coffee shops.

Sign up if you're interested to see when it launches!

#buildinpublic #CoffeeLover
Welcome to Café Thunkable!
What drink🧋☕️🍵would you like to order at Café Thunkable?
I will do and deliver 🛵🛺 it to YOU, my special customers.🥰
#makewiththunkable #thunkable #NoCode #buildinpublic #CoffeeLover #cafe #WomenWhoCode #appdev #appdesign ⬇️…