Day 8 cont'd #codefor30days #buildinpublic

DiskusiApp - Headless Real-Time Discussion Engine.

Found some useful #opensource packages for user's avatar:………

Which one to use? 🤔
Day 6 Results

Creating API Resources in Laravel @laravelphp is a breeze, Eloquent resources provide more granular and robust control over the JSON serialization of your models and their relationships.

#codefor30days #buildinpublic
Day 3 of #codefor30days
Project name: Headless Real-time Discussion Engine #OpenSource #buildinpublic

Let's finish the authentication forms today!
- Sign up form 🏁 Done
- Log in form
- Forgot/Reset password
- Email verification
1:20 AM, just finished the starter kit template using Laravel Inertia, the Registration form works well, will do the rest in the morning. @inertiajs is so awesome ❤️ Link with POST method, Form helper, building a SPA like simple server side coding 👏 #buildinpublic #codefor30days