Woot! The first deploy is out.

In the spirit of openness, the first run failed because I forgot to create an EC2 keypair I had referenced. The second run went fine.

We'll be testing those installs so no more building today.

#buildinpublic #cdk #aws #opensociocracy #DevOps
I‘ve been building quite consistently this year. Am considering to build more publicly. Anyone interested in my learnings about #reactnative #expo #aws #cdk #remix #pnpm #monorepo #relay #graphql? Quite a stack but I love it and it‘s working quite well! #buildinpublic
To speed up #shopify app dev I've modified my existing #aws #cdk serverless starter. This will provision an API gateway with OAuth handlers and dynamodb table for offline session storage.
Love #cdk and @ServerlessStack for IaC. Live lambda for working out #shopify oauth handlers in the cloud 🤯. Crazy what you get for less than 20 lines of code.