I spent the first hour or so reading the @remaketheweb docs and getting everything set up. I started with their resume template since that has most of the functionality I'll need. This tech is nifty. Just restyled the app page a bit. 98 hrs to go #buildinpublic #builtin100hours
I initially was going to create a video course, and I still might, but to start I'm playing to my strengths and creating a step-by-step written tutorial. It'll be easy to navigate in a Notion document.
95.5 hours to go.
#buildinpublic #builtin100hours
Next steps: while I wait to figure out the current problem, I'll build out a dash (header, login flow, settings, etc). Do you think I should go with a traditional look or a funky look?

94.5 hours to go
#buildinpublic #builtin100hours