“We have been working on this for a while. It was important to us to get this right for our users”. In-App Payments (IAP), the new feature, super cool 😎. #makewiththunkable #womenwhocode #app #appdevelopment #NoCode #buildinpublic #BuildForThefuture #girlintech #100DaysOfNoCode
New Feature Announcement: In-App Payments are now available!

💰 Charge end-users for a premium experience

💸 Collect donations

💲 Monetize in-app experiences

Learn more here:
#nocode #iOS #Android #appdev #buildinpublic
➡️Problem Solving
➡️Design Thinking
➡️Building Tech Solutions
⏩Solve Common Community Problems. Love ❤️ It.Perfect Formula.Thank you😊.
#womenwhocode #STEM #stemclub #app #problemsolving #appdesign #appdeveloper #girlsintech #apptech #buildforthefuture #buildinpublic #bless…
I am very excited about our STEM Clubs program this year as we intend to work with our students on problem solving, design thinking and building tech solutions to solve common community problems. As well as build mobile app games.

@thunkable to the rescue!
Hey guys! It is time to make a difference to your life and community. I love opportunities and I believe everyone does too. Have you signed up 🆙? 😉 #womenintech #girlsintech #techworld #NoCode #buildinpublic #buildforthefuture #workshop #thunkable #tech #app #technovation #DEV
Join me for a @Thunkable workshop at @Technovation's #WorldSummit2021 this Thursday 11 am PDT.

I'll live-demo building a video posting app and talk about how Thunkable and Technovation are🔥…