Stats for @AISocialBio
Live 5 months
75K bios created
36k visitors
Just 5% of visitors from Twitter!
cc @MichaelJNovotny #ai #bio #buildinpublic
Announcement about our beta 🔥

The beta version of Yoloo Bio was released two months ago, and we already have so many people on our list, and that’s so awesome, but I’m here to say that the beta version will end in two months (06/30).

#buildinpublic #yoloo #bio

🧵 (1/2)
Sunday changelog!!

This week we improved:
- Root domain to subdomain
- User experience
- Dashboard design…

#buildinpublic #yoloo #bio
We just improve the user experience 🔥

In this improvement:

-❌ removed avatar image via URL
-✅ implemented avatar image upload

This improvement allowed users to edit the image before upload, like crop, scale, and rotate.

#buildinpublic #yoloo #bio