After a long time wrote an awesome article on my website on the topics:
Beginner Guide: How to Troubleshoot a network issue
Checkout form the below link:…
#networking #DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics
Completed few more topics in Aws CloudFormation. below topics I covered today.
1️⃣ Change SET
2️⃣ More use case of Intrinsic Function
3️⃣ Mapping and Parameters
4️⃣ Outputs from Stack…
#DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics
Done with the Morning Study Session. Started Aws CloudFormation. Learn few topics about that.
1️⃣ How to create Stack
2️⃣ Intrinsic function
3️⃣ Tried those code and push those in GitHub…
#DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics
Completed few more AWS topics today, feeling lazy a bit so did not cover lots of topics
1️⃣ EFS - Elastic File System
2️⃣ Auto Scaling Group
3️⃣ S3 - Simple Storage Service
#DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics
Started AWS Today in the Devops Journey. Completed the below topics:
1️⃣ EC2 - Elastic Cloud compute
2️⃣ EBS - Elastic Block Storage
3️⃣ EBS Snapshot
4️⃣ ELB - Elastic Load Balancer
5️⃣ CloudWatch
#DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics