I just finished designing the #Agrictech landing page in Figma and then proceeded to develop it using Webflow🚀🚀

#landingpage #agriculture #tech #buildinpublic #uiuxdesign #WIP
In the world of #ai and #MachineLearning , #Ecorobotix (agritech)raised a stunning USD 52 million investment round.

#agriculture still standing tall publicly #buildinpublic @ecoRobotix #Sweden #Swedish #AgriTech #Swiss #startups
Time for yet another #sideproject.
Helping farmers better understand the health of their soil and make more informed decisions about their land.…

What do you know about soil organic carbon?
#buildinpublic #agriculture #geospatial #SoilHealth #farmers
Farmo is mobile platform for connecting farmers and machine service providers that can be adapted to your needs.

#agritech #farmo #agriculture #farming #precisionagriculture #agtech #buildinpublic
Committed to make farming effective. Follow us on our journey creating smart digital farming tools.

#agritech #farmo #agriculture #farming #precisionagriculture #agtech #buildinpublic
Check ✔️ our page through other social media networks.



Tag a friend for retweet, like and comment. #socialmedia #buildinpublic #farm #agriculture #agritech #agroecology #commodity #food #africa #TAGsFarm
Your Poolit account just got better!:

- ✅ Calendar view for your daily tasks.
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..and so much more. Read all about it here ⤵️

#poultry #agriculture #buildinpublic #releasenotes…