Long time no see! I’ve been tweeting less but working a lot more! Only 4 weeks left! We just started the basics of @reactjs starting with components. Working to make a photographer website. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
-Lots of practice using Express and deploying using Heroku.
-Creating a Goodreads“clone”,if you will for our next project.
-Trying to push myself with backend skills,slowly getting there. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 1️⃣0️⃣1️⃣:-Express, express and more express.
- I prefer the front end but enjoy the challenge of learning something that doesn’t come easy.
-Trying to commit to github everyday. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣:
-100 days in and still going strong!
-Learned about handlebars.
-Express sessions and other express middleware libraries.
-Project 2 starts tomorrow! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 9️⃣4️⃣-9️⃣9️⃣:
-In the final stages of our house buying venture.
-In class we’re learning about MVC’s while I play catch-up on some homework.
-The pace is no joke. Second project starts next week! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 9️⃣3️⃣:
-Spent our class time learning more about ORM’s and Sequelize.
-Sequelize Associations like: HasOne, BelongsTo, HadMany, BelongsToMany.
#webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 9️⃣2️⃣:
- Started work on my 10th challenge, a Team Profile Generator.
-This project we’re using node, jest, and JS to practice our OOP principles.
-Half way through our 6 month bootcamp, let’s go! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 9️⃣1️⃣:
-Learned about the functionality of ORM’s.
-How to use Sequelize.
-Also, how to use ESLint to help maintain consistent and clean code!
#webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 8️⃣6️⃣-9️⃣0️⃣:
-Past few days have been a struggle, from being sick to getting our offer to buy a home rejected yet again.Picked back up today with some more practice with @nodejs
-Tomorrow is ORM’s!
#webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 8️⃣5️⃣:
-More work with creating tests and mocking.
-Learned about the importance and convenience of Prototypes.
-OOP is starting to make more sense.
#webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 8️⃣4️⃣:
-CRUD methods
-SQL Data Types
-DDL(Data Definition Language)
-Scheme and Seed Files
-Joining Database Tables
#webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 8️⃣3️⃣: Recovering from yesterday’s Half Marathon and learning a lot about the importance of Test Driven Development by using Jest to run tests! I’ve also covered Constructor Functions! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 8️⃣1️⃣: Shout out to @JuanLizarazoG and @Jaredpotter and The Dev Life podcast for helping me continue my education while at work. Leveling up! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 7️⃣4️⃣-8️⃣0️⃣: Been working a lot with Node and Express lately. I’ve created a Portfolio and Read Me generator using Node and the command line. Daily tweets will commence from here until the end! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 6️⃣5️⃣-7️⃣4️⃣: Been very busy with trying to buy a house while still working and learning full time so tweets have gone by the wayside. But, I’ve been learning all about OOP!(Object Oriented Programming). #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 6️⃣3️⃣-6️⃣4️⃣:
-Learning ES6 syntax, and things like arrow functions, let, const…
-Template literals and ternary operators
-How to use @nodejs.

This modules project is a README generator.
#webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 5️⃣9️⃣-6️⃣2️⃣ have consisted of trying to catchup on homework all while trying to submit my taxes, train for a half marathon, and buy a house! Busy time of life but it’s gonna be so worth it in the end! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 5️⃣8️⃣: Spent most of my night finishing up my taxes. Tomorrow is my off day, so a full day of learning is ahead! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 5️⃣7️⃣: We presented our project to the class and it went great! There’s some things we’d like to add to improve it but we’re happy with what we were able to do in about a week. Next, we learn @nodejs ! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 5️⃣5️⃣: I think we’re almost done! We cleaned up our search bar and added a divider for our book titles. Wednesday we present to our class. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 5️⃣4️⃣: The group project is coming along. I was able to take the functions my partners created using two API’s and display them in two separate scrollable divs that populate on search. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 5️⃣3️⃣: Its ugly but it’s progress! Changing things on the fly. Just made our book search results into a scrollable div. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 5️⃣2️⃣: Worked a little while I was in Memphis for the day. Learning a lot about GitHub workflow and merging branches. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 5️⃣1️⃣: This is the beginnings of our project. After getting to know @tailwindcss for a couple hours, this is what I’ve been able to do. All through their CDN. Will update as we continue to build it out. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 5️⃣0️⃣: Came up with a new idea, a book and beer pairing site. We started defining roles and I’m taking on learning @tailwindcss to structure and design our site! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 4️⃣8️⃣: Spent class time making a repo and coming up with an idea for our first group project. So far we’ve thought of an app to display books released on a selected date using a calendar and book API. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 4️⃣6️⃣: I finished making a work day scheduler that implements local storage and real time feedback to keep track of tasks. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 4️⃣5️⃣: I used jQuery and Bootstrap to make a workday scheduler! JS is hard but @jquery makes it much easier! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 4️⃣4️⃣:Finished a adding sorting, draggability, and local storage to my task manager app. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 4️⃣3️⃣: In class we continued Server Side API’s by going over fetch (); as well as setting parameters in the url like &sort= . Excited to work on our first project next week! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 4️⃣2️⃣: No coding today, took the chance to catch up on some games I haven’t played in a while. Like Destiny 2 and GTA V. Tomorrow we continue with Server Side API’s. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 4️⃣1️⃣: This class we went over Server Side API’s. We used a GitHub api to display issues from a particular repo. This is something we’ll need to utilize in our first group project starting next week! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 4️⃣0️⃣:More work on implementing @getbootstrap & @jquery into a task management app. Things like how to make pages mobile responsive with HTML classes and drag and dropping items using jQuery methods. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 3️⃣9️⃣: Learned a lot more about @getbootstrap and @jquery . I was worried for a minute we were just gonna be doing vanilla JS and CSS for a while…phew! These are some great tools! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 3️⃣8️⃣: Chill Friday, a little code revision and watching @succession
Tomorrow…we grind!
#webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 38: Chill Friday, a little code revision and watching @succession
Tomorrow…we grind!
#webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Heat 3️⃣7️⃣:Finished my 4th challenge, a Coding Quiz.I utilized JS to give show answers for the questions and the logic to tell if they answered correctly or not.Also used local storage to save player scores. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 3️⃣6️⃣: In todays live class we used @getbootstrap to align & center items and add color to a page with HTML classes. Front end is fun! #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 3️⃣5️⃣: Worked a lot on my site for a film project of my friends. Also worked on some assignments covering more about @jquery and @getbootstrap by making a more robust version of a task manager. #webdeveloper #codeeveryday #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 3️⃣5️⃣: Worked a lot on my site for a film project of my friends. Also worked on some assignments covering more about @jquery and @getbootstrap by making a more robust version of a task manager. #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 3️⃣4️⃣: In todays class we started our lesson on third-party API’s. We worked together using @jquery to make a remove button functional. Wednesday we cover @getbootstrap!
#webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 3️⃣3️⃣: Still building out the task manager. Started building out the website for my friends film, I’m having lots of fun and learning a lot along the way!

Build to learn!
#webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 3️⃣2️⃣: Added edit and delete options to task manager, also added two new progress columns to sort tasks! I also worked some more on a side project site. #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 3️⃣1️⃣: I’ve been using JavaScript to make a task manager interactive and tomorrow I’ll learn how I can use API’s with it for a better user experience! #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 3️⃣0️⃣: Applied some things I’ve learned from the bootcamp and make a wireframe for a website for my friends film project! #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 2️⃣9️⃣: Rest day, no coding. Feeling refreshed. Tomorrow…it’s full force ahead! #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 28: Finished my first JavaScript challenge, a Password Generator. Still not sure about JS but it’ll come with time. #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 2️⃣7️⃣:JavaScript is…challenging. To say the least!I’ve gotten frustrated a couple of times but I have to remind myself, I DON’T KNOW any of this yet and that I’M STILL LEARNING. Keep working,you’ll get better!#webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 2️⃣6️⃣: JavaScript all day! Making a game to learn about:
and much more!
It’s exciting to start doing some actual programming. It’s gonna be challenging but very rewarding!
#webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 2️⃣4️⃣: Started our first JavaScript project/lesson. Making a game with just HTML and JS! Also finished my portfolio! Here’s a photo of the top of the page. #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 2️⃣3️⃣:95% finished with my portfolio.Struggling with media queries. Looks great on my 1660 resolution monitor but a bit odd on my laptop (1440),tablet,phone, etc.Far from perfect but so close to being complete.#webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 2️⃣2️⃣:Today is the first day I’ve felt overwhelmed.Trying/struggling to finish my portfolio site while moving on to new concepts.I know it’ll get better if I keep working at it though. Failure isn’t an option. #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 2️⃣1️⃣: In our live class we went over some JavaScript basics:
Then I spent the rest of my night styling my portfolio.
#webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 2️⃣0️⃣: My portfolio is starting to come together. I have all of the HTML elements laid out and I’ve started styling the first couple sections. It’s an ugly website, but… it’s my ugly website! #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 1️⃣9️⃣: Started making my portfolio. Hope to have it finished by Friday! #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 1️⃣8️⃣: Finished making a second version of the first site we made. I learned so much just refactoring. We used things like pseudo classes, variables and media queries to make overall improvements to the style. #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 17.1: Todays lessons had me using flexbox and media queries to make sure my site scaled and looked good across multiple screen sizes! #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 17: My off day from my full time job. That means it’s a full on study day! I hope to start on my second challenge by the end of the day! #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 16: I’ve been working on styling sections of a website using flexbox. Much better than float!
#webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 15: in today’s live class I participated and led a couple breakout sessions covering Pseudo classes and CSS variables. It felt good to be able to explain to others what the functions of these are.
#webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 14: Today I became familiar with:
-Pseudo Classes
-Variables & Selectors
-Media Queries
I also learned about how to add new git branches and how to merge them.
#webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 13: In today’s class we discussed:
-Wire-framing and it’s application.
-Flex-box: We used some exercises to illustrate how flexbox works, like arranging rows on a website. #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 12: Completed 95% or first challenge. Created a read me file for it in its GitHub repo. Struggling to figure out how to get a deployable url though. Gonna figure it out tomorrow though! #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 11: Worked on our first challenge.
Refactoring an existing website.
Our goal is to:
-Make sure the code base meets accessibility standards.
-Make sure we have semantic HTML.
-Keep track of changes with GitHub
#webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 9: Today was a lazy day. I did start on the Privacy Policy page though! I plan on starting my first Challenge tomorrow.
#webdev #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 8: Today in class we worked in small groups finding solutions using the CSS box model, float and position. Should finish Module 1 by Friday. Time flies!
#webdev #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 7:
Finished styling the third section of the site. Most of that time was spent this morning trying to debug a styling issue, but it’s fixed now!
#webdev #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 6.1: Some things we worked together to figure out:
-How to link a CSS style sheet
-How to link an image
-How to create classes and id’s in your HTML to link elements to your CSS. #webdev #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 6: Monday is a live class day. We reviewed what we learned of HTML and CSS by working in breakout rooms to create a portfolio page and style it. #webdev #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 5.1:Finished the second section of our website. Starting to think of things to apply to my portfolio. #webdev #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode
Day 5:
Last night I actually dreamt about the CSS box model. I guess it’s starting to stick haha.
#webdev #webdeveloper #coding #codingbootcamp #buildinpublic #24weeksofcode