After a day of dry run for Prelaunchers, today 3 new products were submitted and listed 🙂

One of the reason I feel threads are annoying and most are spammy is u see the same thing everywhere,Though these below r sponsored threads.I feel a lot of threads you see on most Twitter accounts are copied and pasted spam.Let me know ur take?

#buildinpublic #twitterthreads
Yesterday, for the first time, no product was submitted to Prelaunchers. I am yet to review few submitted products, most of which are not prelaunch but with less traction. Should i just list them?

Have been seeing a lot of people posting threads to increase followers, worst of all same thread over and over on different accounts. Am kind of annoyed by it now, are you also annoyed by threads everywhere?

50% open rate on my email newsletter for prelaunchers 🔥🔥

Here are the stats from the prelaunchers email newsletter i sent today. I think they are pretty good stats. Very grateful to the subscribers 🙏🙏

Here are the stats from the prelaunchers email newsletter i sent today. I think they are pretty good stats. Very grateful to the subscribers 🙏🙏

10 products have been submitted to prelaunchers in just a day. This is amazing response. Total products submitted to prelaunchers is now 80.

Just sent the newsletter to 87 subscribers of prelaunchers.

Woke up to amazing feedbacks and suggestions for improving and scaling prelaunchers on my @IndieHackers post…

Last weekend i worked on marketing and launched prelaunchers on PH and this weekend i launched myself into unproductiveness 🥲🥲

Hoping to get back into grind now

I made a detailed post on @IndieHackers about the launch of prelaunchers and about its future. You can check it out here.

Done with the newsletter for Prelaunchers and scheduled it for monday

This weekend i am going to
1) Make some changes to
i) Add featured tools page
ii) Write second newsletter
iii) Fix some design issues
2) Work on my personal site
3) Build a blog / Start blogging

Seems a lot but let's go 🔥🔥

Happy with what i have achieved with my first PH launch. Thanks everyone for supporting 🙏
I am very glad that people really loved and the idea behind it.
Statistics for Prelaunchers, look how your product has grown on @ProductHunt.
Good job @zsumair
You can see more here -
Wow pretty amazing that my post about the PH launch on @Reddit has got this amount of views

Now there are more than 50 products submitted on 🔥🔥🥳🥳

Just now sent the first email newsletter of
Very happy with the products that makers shared on prelaunchers.

Here is the link to first of lot more :)…
