Okay, finally done with the initially planned features, YEAAHH!
You can check it out on GitHub! ( constructive criticism is welcome )
#SoftwareEngineer #AndroidDev #Kotlin #buildinginpublic #buildinpublic #JetpackCompose #UI
Yosh! Everything is in place and working just fine, I just finished implementing the search feature, and I'm pretty proud of it!
#SoftwareEngineer #SoftwareDeveloper #AndroidDev #AndroidDevs #JetpackCompose #Kotlin #buildinpublic #buildinginpublic
btw, did you know there was a light theme as well? haha 😂
#SoftwareEngineer #buildinpublic #Kotlin #android #app
I'm pretty happy with this, what do you think?
Contributions are welcome!
Source code at:…
#SoftwareEngineer #JetpackCompose #android #app #buildinpublic
I'm building paper (a note-taking app) to practice what I've learned so far, no doubt it's my biggest android project yet haha 😂 (working on the grid rn)
check it out:…
#Kotlin #androiddevs #JetpackCompose #buildinpublic
Yo, what's up guys? I've been really enjoying android development and a huge reason is thanks to the guys over at @AndroidDev! Currently, I'm learning about design patterns and clean architecture!
#Andriod #developer #Kotlin #SoftwareEngineer #buildinpublic
👋🏼 Yo, what's going on guys, finally finished the app, it's called 'Pokemon 30'. Poured in 16+ hours of work on this one, and I really had fun learning while building it
#developer #buildinpublic #kotlin #android
Hey guys how's it going, update been working on the app for 8+ hours now here's what it looks like
(PS: I'm really learning a lot!)
#SoftwareDeveloper #android #kotlin #100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic