#buildinpublic update:

Well, continue to refactor. Can't wait to get this mess cleaned up and get back to building.

What are you building these days?
I've been having fun refactoring some of the mess I created myself πŸ˜€ Are you on the camp of writing test or no test? #buildinpublic
Doing #buildinpublic without a day job for a few months now. I was quite distressed at my PM jobs and going to take a few more month of break.

Do you have a job next to indie hacking?
Today's #buildinpublic update:

I know it's a trap, but can't help exploring the technology and trying out different approach for doing same thing. πŸ˜…

Anyone who have similar problem?
I've skipped the #buildinpublic update for a few days. I've set myself a deadline to finish coding V0.2 by next Friday and am completely focused on getting work done.

How are fellow indie hackers spending the weekend?
Keeping tasks in order is important for my productivity. Without a good structure, it's easy to feel lost and overwhelmed. 😜

Used to be a Jira user, but recently switched to @NotionHQ, and loving the flexibility.

How do you organize the ideas & tasks? #buildinpublic
Back to sharing #buildinpublic update after a break.

Integrating webhook from GitHub to trigger comment parsing when code is pushed to repository.

Is Ngrok still a go-to tool for testing webhook locally?

I often get the answer to the problem during meditation.

When feeling stuck, meditating for a few minutes usually gives me the answer. I find it particularly works well with programming problems.

What is your trick to solving the puzzle?

#buildinpublic #programming
Today's #buildinpublic update:

Intensely programmed the pubsub components. Now the @dolist_sh can parse the TODO comments from the Github repo in the background.

One step closer to offering the report a reality.

#Python #javascript
Today’s #buildinpublic update:
Finally made up my mind to use AmazonSQS and implemented the publisher. Overhead to run RabbitMQ was unappealing πŸ‘ΎπŸ‘Ύ
Today's #buildinpublic update:

Spent last days writing #python 🐍🐍 code, added data models and database access methods for monitored repositories. The next task is to build async comment parsing.

Anyone with experience on #amazonsqs? is it easier to use than rabbitmq?
Today's #buildinpublic update:

Built a modal to add repositories🌟.

I've been writing #typescript, #react these past few days. Now I can move on to writing #python code, which I enjoy a lot.

What is your fav programming language and what do you like about it?
Today's #buildinpublic update:

Built the dashboard layout. I'm using #react #nextjs

What is your go-to front-end framework?

End of the day dopamine surge! πŸ§ πŸŽ‰

We all need a small moment that helps us feel good and keep making small steps.

What is your secret weapon to keep yourself motivated?

#buildinpublic #indiehacker
End of the day dopamine surge! πŸ§ πŸŽ‰

We all need a small moment that helps us feel good and keep us motivated.

Where do you get the dopamine boost to keep you motivated?

#buildinpublic #indiehacker
Today's #buildinpublic update:
- Back to writing code, building UIs designed last week πŸ§‘β€πŸ’». Love how easy it's to build dark mode with @tailwindcss!

Felt a bit of pain from context switching to programming mode. How do you cope with wearing multiple hats as a solopreneur?
Today's #buildinpublic update:
- Back to writing code, building UIs designed last week πŸ§‘β€πŸ’». Love how easy it's to build dark mode with @tailwindcss!

Felt bit of pain from context switching to programming mode. How do you cope with wearing multiple hat as a solopreneur?
#buildinpublic update:

Spent half of the day rethinking the name πŸ€”πŸ€”. the current name doesn't feel like a perfect fit to how the idea is evolving.

How did you came up with the name of your product?
Today's #buildinpublic update:

- Didn't get much done, busy with other stuffs in life 😜

- Researching what message queue system to use. feel like to opt for RabbitMQ which is what I'm familiar with. Love @hnasr 's fun & excellent explanation on topic.
Today's #buildinpublic update:

- Designed UI components and pages for V0.3 πŸƒ

Now moving on to some technical research. πŸš€