Added a new page on Software Engineer Jobs that displays the most popular searches by count.

The results so far have been very interesting. I expected JavaScript to be at the top but Dotnet and Junior searches are far ahead.

#buildinpublic #SoftwareEngineer
Added a new search filter for Software Engineer Jobs.

Users can now search by industry.

When I used to job hunt, it was something I looked at. I couldn't work at a place I didn't care about.

#buildinpublic #SoftwareEngineer
Changed the home page copy for Software Engineer Jobs.

Trying to emphasize the quality of the job posts on the site.

It's one of our main selling points compared to other job boards that scrape random listings.

Salary ranges have been added when submitting a job to Software Engineer Jobs. Debating on making this required...

The subscribe button on Software Engineer Job's home page got some animation added to it this morning 😎

Job filters now dynamically generate a SEO friendly url for Software Engineer Jobs.

This will help to build a large amount of long tail keyword urls and hopefully increase Google search traffic.

#buildinpublic #SoftwareEngineer
Job listings now show as closed when over 35 days old on Software Engineer Jobs.

This prevents most of the dead links that were building up on the site and causing SEO issues.

Software Engineer Jobs now has some pretty cool search functionality 😎

Filter jobs by experience level, tech, job type, location, or a combination of the 4.

#buildinpublic #softwaredeveloper #dotnet
Software Engineer Jobs facelift is complete.

- New name
- New color scheme
- New header video and images.
- Same emojis 😎

#buildinpublic #softwaredeveloper
Big updates for Dotnet Remote.

The first and most major is it's no longer Dotnet Remote 😂


This allows me to reach and help more software engineers, not just .NET devs.

#dotnet #buildinpublic #SoftwareEngineer
Dotnet Remote job postings without a logo now show the first letter of the company name rather than an empty logo.
#buildinpublic #Dotnet
Added filters to Dotnet Remote today. Looking forward to adding more of them in the future.
#buildinpublic #dotnet #dropthedot
Tailwindsites just got a major overhaul.

- New landing page and design
- New checkout process
- Still working on the site generator to pump these templates out faster.

#tailwindcss #buildinpublic
New tailwind landing page theme available on Tailwindsites... Standout 🔥🔥

#webdev #tailwindcss #buildinpublic
Tailwindsits is officially live.

If your building a SAAS or digital product and want a landing page in 5 minutes, this is for you!

#tailwindcss #webdev #buildinpublic
Dotnet Remote now has dedicated pages for job postings :)

#buildinpublic #aspnetcore #dotnet
New design for dotnet remote. Also added some new information for job postings:

- Years of experience
- Full time vs part time
- Remote or Onsite Location
- Salary range
- Company Logos

#buildinpublic #aspnetcore #dotnet #dotnetmaui
Added a company's directory to Dotnet Remote.

If a company is hiring .NET developers, it belongs here.

#buildinpublic #aspnetcore #dotnet