MVP for my 100 hours project is coming together. Soooo happy that I found @illustrationblk. These graphics are perfect šŸ˜. #100Devs #BlackinTech #BlackWomeninTech #SoftwareDeveloper #buildinpublic
There were a couple of things that gave me a run for my money while building this, but I was so proud when I got it to work! Feel free to add your faves. #100Devs #BlackinTech #buildinpublic #BlackTechTwitter
Yall have seen this project before. But now it's running with an API that I built! #100Devs #BlackinTech #blackwomenintech #buildinpublic
Iā€™m currently working on building my own API. And while it is about 100 billion lines of code, this is fun! #100Devs #BlackinTech #blackwomenintech #buildinpublic
The code for this certainly isn't perfect, BUT it works! šŸ™ŒšŸ¾ #100Devs #BlackTechTwitter #BlackinTech #buildinpublic