Day 6/100: I wrote a base class for my models today where other classes in the model will subclass from to avoid repetition. Also read some articles.

#100DaysOfCode #Python #buildinpublic #WomenWhoCode
Day 5/100: I restructured my tests and made it cleaner. Pushed my codes and my PR got reviewed and merged.

Also learnt some new github commands.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcodechallenge #Python #buildinpublic #WomenWhoCode
Day 4/100: I set up the environment for the new project I am collaborating to build. Also wrote few lines of code.

#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #python #WomenWhoCode #Python #webdevelopers
Day 2/100: Got my endpoint PR reviewed, and I implemented the requested changes.

#100daysofcodechallenge #pythonprogramming #buildinpublic #WomenWhoCode #womenintech
Day 1/100: I completed an endpoint on the App I am collaborating to build. Wrote tests too and watched a tutorial on Node.js.

#100DaysOfCode #pythonprogramming #buildinpublic #WomenWhoCode