Fresh week fresh start. What’s your current #whiteboard look like? #buildinpublic
#buildinpublic #update for #ListList a #ReactJS app:

☑️auth-0 log in
☑️home displays "favorited" list
☑️grocery / pantry list toggle
☑️add new items to database (then list)
☑️add items saved on db to list
☑️sorting list_items into categories

next : "shopping mode", the pantry
Apparently 36 hours coding is what it takes to get VS Code to wig out and force shut down.

#100DaysOfCode #coding #buildinpublic
its a week late from the original #buildinpublic goal: but is deployed live with authentication and authorization, and I'm pretty sure is more secure that @NORADCommand

only a few emails are on the alpha testers list... try to hack into that @ThePubicle!
legit spent a day chasing down mysterious errors in the backend of my #buildinpublic app ListList (Knex: run $ npm install sqlite3 --save Cannot find module). finally deleted everything

turns out I was running terminal commands in the wrong directory the whole time🤦#startfresh
Writing placeholder copy (& naming variables) is the worst part about #coding. It’s inconsequential, will be paved over but necessary for front end, and lorem ipsum gives me flashbacks to high school Latin class.

Long wind up: What should my list app be called?

theres something terrifying about leaving the care-free, bubble-wrapped safety zone of a brainstorm where "everything is a good idea" and "anything is possible", and enter the cold, dark, reality of execution. #buildinpublic
back working on a list app for #buildinpublic today, and spent the morning in the sandbox repo toying around with a dark/light mode, exploring local storage options for state, and trying to figure out the useEffect hook for the 1000th time.
The bathroom reno came along last week although took time from some other #buildinpublic projects. This week refocusing on a #javascript web app, but today we’re working on building a comedy club because it’s #MooncatMonday
note to self: while I am content, this does not meet my initial #buildinpublic goal of deploying the code base. however, I've been regimenting strict 2 hour blocks for projects to not get sucked too deeply into rabbit holes, so we will have to cross that bridge another time
#buildinpublic goal for today: research, build and deploy a simple Auth0 app.

although authentication and authorization is not the biggest priority for this app I'm building for myself and wife only-- its currently more secure than @NORADCommand with 0 users and 0 lines of code