⚡️ These guys are shipping really fast. Really working hard to add these to PhotoLeaf.AI !

#buildinpublic #StableDiffusion2
We’re happy to release Stable Diffusion, Version 2.1!

With new ways of prompting, 2.0 provided fantastic results, and 2.1 supports the new prompting style, but also brings back many of the old prompts too!

Link →…
⚡️ I'm excited to launch this product and would like to share my learnings #buildinpublic . Please retweet this thread if you would like to support this new project. Thanks 🙏

#stablediffusion #dreambooth #AI
⚡️ I used Stable Diffusion + Dreambooth to fine-tune the model to my face and some of the results are 🔥

#Dreambooth #buildinpublic