@keeb_link There are still a few things missing, buggy and a few initial database entries are also empty.
That said, this version is just to validate the concept and to see if the database handles it or if I do need to implement more caching.

#BuildSell30 #BuildInPublic
Nobody will use your service if you are basically just throwing alpha features into the pool of competitors. Yes, they might be cool and interesting. But honestly speaking I would rather use ONE good solution instead of 3 mediocre ones. 3/x
#BuildSell30 #buildinpublic
✅ Connecting Namecheap API to backend
✅ Reworked a lot of UI Components

👉 Connecting @airtable Item list to API

Thinking about using Firebase for Authentication?

#BuildSell30 #buildinpublic
@ShinyDotTo Overview:

✅ Designing mockup
✅ Structuring backend
✅ Workflow Plan

👉 Figuring out a marketing plan
👉 Start working on User authentication

#buildinpublic #MondayMotivation