Happy Friday to my #NoCode family! Remember if you muster yourself up with every last bit of positivity you can, positivity will find you. Whatever you're building, give it your all 🦾

#buildinpublic #100DaysOfNoCode
Just deployed v4.2 for More performance enhancements, UX tweaks, and an adjustment to our EV Running Cost Forecast tool.

Check it out. Share to help the UK #plugintobetter 🤙

#EVs #ElectricVehicles #NoCode #buildinpublic
Padding... In a text box...?! @bubble 👀💛

#nocode #buildinpublic #100daysofnocode
Phew, It's been an intense couple days working with one of my original #NoCode @bubble clients on the next phase of their project. I'm really excited to make this one a #buildinpublic in a few months.
While i'm pushing to make more of my projects #buildinpublic, i thought i should update my main site with an about me and portfolio. More updates to come, but if you want to put a real face to the nocodeproff. Check it out 💛 #nocode