A little sneak peek of the features coming on Refspace. Site design is taking inspiration from buildspace and stripe.
You can sign up here: to be notified when we go live #buildinpublic
A short intro to why I'm building RefSpace plus some of what you can expect #agency #brand #saas #buildinpublic
I've been training in-house at Agencies, brands and numerous other companies in social media, digital marketing, content, SEO, and loads more. Its something I love doing, but its time to change it up - here's why ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿ‘‡ #buildinpublic
First project I'm working on is upgrading the Content Ideas Machine -

I'm converting it to a video reference site, plus Trello and Notion templates, loads more. All buyers of the current one will get the upgrade free #buildinpublic