Most people sharing blueprints to how they achieved ….. actually have nothing of value to offer #buildinpublic
Your MVP should have more than one feature. Most people in #indiehacker and #buildinpublic communities will tell you to build only one feature for your MVP, An MVP should be a complete solution to your core problem without any additional bell or whistles.
Growth wise @takadahHQ has experienced a flat week, but I have been focused on improving the UX and reducing the bounce rate #buildinpublic #indiehacker
Finding the right community to talk about your project is the most important step of #buildinpublic
@HardwareHustler Agreed! Building in public is such a powerful way to stay accountable, learn from feedback, and inspire others along the way. Can't wait to see what new features Elon and Twitter have in store! #buildinpublic
To #buildinpublic your 9 to 5 is very important. Do not for any reason stop it until your project pays you your salary.
Who else notices Twitter is being built in public with all of us as public beta testers #buildinpublic
This has been the best examples I have seen of this movement.
@adamcgoyette What manner of giving are we talking about? Because most #buildinpublic share their experience's and knowledge which to me is #giveinpublic
Who would you recommend in #buildinpublic with good marketing content?
✅ Cold mailed 26 people and got 6 response, all together a nice result for the first of work.
#buildinpublic #buildinginpublic #indiehackers
Founders' motivation is super important in the early days of a startup.

3 tips to keep it high:

- Ship early
- Get users on board
- Get revenues ASAP
#buildinpublic #buildinginpublic #indiehacker #indiehackers
28 days ago I made my last post to #buildinpublic
. Today I return with smiles and many lessons learnt.
How do you all have time to create content after a writing code all day? #buildinpublic
Not every business needs funding and not every startup has to be a unicorn.
#indiehackers #buildinpublic
Creating and selling your own product as an engineer seems overwhelming. Any tips #indiehackers #buildinpublic ?
Key Takeaways:
✅ Cold outreach is not that hard, just be honest and try to genuinely help.
PS: Only contact people your product can help, it's more efficient.
#buildinpublic #buildinginpublic #solopreneur
#indiehacker #indiehackers
✅ Fixed A bug that allowed the search to access private fields
✅ Talked to 5 people about the product
#buildinpublic #buildinginpublic #solopreneur