Finding… ➡️
Reconfiguring my Terraform modules to generate a valid COS+Artifact Registry image definition ➡️
That I could seamlessly deploy with a single command (terraform apply) 🔥

Today I migrated one of my personal projects to Compute Engine.

Two things I really like:
- service account credentials are provided automatically/no more GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
- Instance logs are automatically shipped to

Today, I'm exploring Google Cloud's Compute Engine, specifically, how easy would it be to deploy a packaged Go app into a VM.

Here we go! 🎬

#BuildInPublic #LearnInPublic #FinishSomethingToday
Today I learned how to set up short-lived authentication (OIDC) tokens in @github actions.

🎯 Simple and secure way to authenticate to @googlecloud and apply Terraform plans, use gcloud, etc.

Here's a step-by-step tutorial: 🧵👇

#FinishSomethingToday #BuildInPublic
Mission complete!…

I am extremely happy with my progress! Today was a blast!! 💥

OMG, success!

Task completed, HTML content is now rendered using Headless @googlechrome, and all links are extracted for processing.

ChromeDP (…) is simply great!

Well I pressed enter too soon :(
#ship100in365 Post 6/100 (deadline June 1, 2022)
#LearnInPublic How I built my site with @GatsbyJS, @tailwindcss, and @tailwindui without knowing anything about this stack:…

#BuildInPublic#ship30for30 Day 6/30; #ship100in365 Post 5/100 (deadline June 1, 2022)
#BuildInPublic I configured @GatsbyJS to allow me to define the link's #slug in #frontmatter: /path/to/absolute/url, 'relative-url' (which is merged with the file's relative directory on disk), or null (which takes the full file path)
I'm continuously impressed by how amazing #tailwindui is! I created a layout for my blog/articles using… for the main body and adapter prev&next (but page numbers) from… #BuildInPublic @GatsbyJS