@waszumkuckuck Du kannst auf Twitter nach #buildinpublic lang:de suchen/filtern. Ich habe aber auch den Eindruck, dass sich das meiste auf Englisch abspielt.
Would you recommend starting a small blog if I only write one post per month? #buildinpublic
Next up: MVP with just enough features to subscribe to the service. #buildinpublic
Today I paired with @FonsecaFrancis8 and committed to building the initial proof of concept until the end of the month! #buildinpublic πŸ—ΊοΈ
I'm probably late to the party, but I was busy all week long upgrading my applications to #Laravel 9 and #PHP 8 in general. #buildinpublic πŸš€
πŸ—οΈ Time to dust off the keyboard! I did my first commit after a long break (parental leave). #buildinpublic
πŸ—οΈ Time to dust off the keyboard! I'm back on track after taking a break (parental leave). #buildinpublic
πŸ—οΈ Time to dust off the keyboard! I did my first commit after a long break. #buildinpublic
πŸ’‘ I added the new copy to the landing page to bring some light into the dark. #buildinpublic #comingsoon
I'm so excited to start working on Locopin, an app to manage and customize your map embeds.
Stay tuned! #comingsoon #buildinpublic πŸš€