I'm still on the billing thing. It is so much harder than you think. Most of the billing is complete but man ... the tiny parts are annoying. #buildinpublic #SaaS
It's been a few days now since I started with the new billing system for @muunad. It is one of the most extensive changes to MUUNAD since the beginning of development. #buildinpublic
Once again I haven't given an update on MUUNAD for weeks although I have made good progress. But today there are some details what happened in the last weeks. #buildinpublic #SaaS
Yesterday I tried to implement graphql Input Unions until the Moment I realized that #graphql only Support resolver Unions... Why? 😭 #buildinpublic
I think the first iteration of the @muunad_ integrations is done. #buildinpublic
Tonight I'm back on the @muunad_ integrations. I've built a pretty basic e-mail template for the e-mail integration. Now I'm testing all integrations and maybe I can complete this feature today. #buildinpublic #saas #monitoring
1/5 - actually, I want to finish the integrations for @muunad_ today but instead, I rewrote my #amqp lib for better message handling. but why do I do this? #buildinpublic #saas

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Okay, enough for today. I've not finished the integrations but I'm almost done. Today I had some good progress and only the e-mail integrations are still open. So let's see if I can complete it tomorrow. Here is a picture of a Discord Notification. #buildinpublic
Today I continue my work on the @muunad_ integrations. Most of the work is done and currently, I'm working on the integrations themselves. The previous work was on the data schema, UI, and some logic. Let's finish this feature! #buildinpublic #saas
The last few days I was sick. For this reason, unfortunately, I could not continue to develop MUUNAD. In the meantime, I feel better again and I use the time to finally continue. #buildinpublic #saas #monitoring
Okay, yesterday I finished most of the status page but what is missing is the chart for uptimes and everything related to it. so first I have to create the database aggregations then return the data via graphql and then show it on the status page. so let's do it! #buildinpublic
Next shift for working on @muunad_ status pages. Tonight I try to keep up with the pace from yesterday but I got an issue with my git repo and some of the work from yesterday is gone. I don't know what happened but it reminds me to commit more often. 😪 #buildinpublic #saas
@muunad_ @nextjs I think this is good progress for today:

Let's see if I can release the status pages this week. 🤞
#buildinpublic #saas #monitoring
Tonight I will continue working on the @muunad_ status pages. basic schema and GraphQL queries/mutations are done. next is to create the status page with @nextjs. maybe I can complete it tonight. #buildinpublic #SaaS
Since I'm refactored some #microservice from node to go the services are much more stable. this gives me the time to develop the next features for @muunad_ . the next feature is a #statuspage where you can show the current and past status of your monitors. #buildinpublic #saas
Long time no see or something like that. Last couple of days I had a lot of client work to do so it was very still about @muunad_ development. Now I can pick up the project an start to tweet more about it. #buildinpublic #saas #monitoring
I'm working with @github CoPilot for a few days. First I was very skeptical about it but it is so powerful. Most of my tests are written by CoPilot :D #buildinpublic #solopreneur #saas
It's really interesting to see how many problems you notice by writing integration tests. I am making good progress and hope to complete all tests this weekend. #buildinpublic #saas #monitoring #solopreneur
I'm finally managed to get the tests working with GitHub actions and MongoDB. what a good feeling that everything is tested now before getting live. #buildinpublic #monitoring #saas #testing
I am still trying to get my tests running with GitHub Actions. For some reason there are problems with MongoDB. Hopefully I will get this fixed today. #buildinpublic #saas #monitoring